
Posted: Feb 23, 2018
Last activity: Mar 19, 2018
Last activity: 19 Mar 2018 15:11 EDT
Need Information on how container managed transactions in jms mdb listener work
Hi all,
I would like to know the following regarding the container managed transactions.
1. Will the message be requeued if there is any error encountered during message processing (like incorrect message format received, etc)
2. How many times will the message be reprocessed again?
3. If I have 5 messages in queue and the 1st message fails, will that message be immediately reprocessed or after the other messages are reprocessed?
4. What will happen after it reprocesses x times and still fails. We do not have any back out queue present. So will it stay in queue?. Will the server pause the queue?.
Pega version 7.2
App server IBM websphere
Thanks in advance.
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