Need help in fixing ethical bias simulation
I was able to understand Ethical bias simulation testing. Now after running the bias simulation it was confirmed that there is a bias. But how do I fix the bias? Is this feature only limited to track the bias?
For example: There are two scenarios in my solution.
Scenario 1 (Direct bias): I have a bias field called Gender which is used in the adaptive model. After running the simulation, I found that there is a bias shift on this. How do I fix this issue? Is this feature only limited to generate a simulation report? or Do we have any way to fix this one in business strategy or adaptive models?
Scenario 2 (Indirect bias): I have another field called Age which is not used in the adaptive model. Bias simulation predicts there is a bias shift based on the report. As it was not used in my adaptive model how do i fix this issues?
Do we have any ways to fix the above issues? Please let me know. Thanks in advance.
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