
Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton Consulting Inc.
Last activity: 28 Feb 2019 6:52 EST
Need to display Web-Login page in french or english
We have a requirement to show Web-login page in french or english based on the url for example if user clicks on http://abc:port/prweb/PRServlet?lang=french then web-login (we have lot of custom text in web-login) should be displayed in french. If the user clicks http://abc:port/prweb/PRServlet?lang=english then it should display english.
How do we achieve this requirement? at this point we are only using PRServlet no custom authentication. I tried to get the querystring in web-Login page using tools.getParamValue("lang") but this is not giving me the value. Also this means I have to change forgot password and change password page.
Any help is appreciated.