Get a Parameter in Web-Login Page
Hi ,
This is related to a parameter we use to display selected content ( based on User's language ) in web-login.html.
The URL to access the application (pega URL) will contain a parameter say lang . V ( http:pegaurl/!STANDARD?lang=es_US )
Based on the value of lang - the web-login.html will display selected content to user.
The problem occurs when there is a validation error in the Custom Authentication activity. Say the user credentials do not match .
Then the web-login page is shown to user & at this point the web-login page cannot get the value of lang . So it displays the default content.
We tried to set a param called lang in the Custom Authentication Activity as an Out Param . But it did not work.
We then tried to get and set the value of lang to the query string using a pxThread Property.
This way the URL always contains "lang=en_US" . But when we access this property using :tools.getParamValue("lang") it still does not return a value.
Can you help me with setting the lang variable correctly so that the web-login file can get it ?
Smitha R
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