
Computer Share
Last activity: 27 Jul 2017 15:24 EDT
Need details of the New agents introduced on PRPC 7.2.2
HI All
HI All
We have updated to 7.2.2 from 7.1.9 and need to know the importance of the new agents introduced on 7.2.2 . Can some one help . Below are the agents we are looking information for . Thanks in advance for the help
Pega-ImportExport "@baseclass pxAutomaticColumnPopulation
SA-Artifacts StoreAllOppState
Pega-Engine Update PegaRULES database table statistics
Pega-Engine Update PegaDATA database table statistics
Pega-Engine Collect PegaRULES database blob size statistics
Pega-Engine Collect PegaDATA database blob size statistics
Pega-IntegrationArchitect APNS expired tokens cleaner
Pega-ProcessEngine ProcessStaleRobots
Pega-ProcessEngine ProcessNotification
PegaCRM GeoCode
Pega-DecisionEngine InitializeDSMFeatureToggles
Pega-DecisionEngine StartDSMServices
Pega-ProCom RoboticAssignmentProcessing
PegaKMPortal KMRestoreSuspendedUser
Pega-EndUserUI CleanExpiredPushNotificationTokens
Pega-IntegrationEngine pyCleanupSSONodeInfoInstances
Pega-RulesEngine PersistSystemInfo
PegaFW-CTI CTConnectStartup
PegaCRM-SFA GenerateAccessForOperator
PegaCRM-SFA UpdateAccessForWorkType
PegaCRM-SFA GenerateAccessForNewTerritory
PegaCRM-SFA ProcessParentTerritoryChange
PegaCRM-SFA GenerateAppointmentNotifications