
TATA Consultancy Services Ltd
Last activity: 3 Sep 2018 3:57 EDT
Need to change IAC doAction openWorkByURL from GET to POST
We are currently using PRPC7.2.2 with IAC. We are using the openWorkByURL doAction.
The Dot Net application which sends us information through IAC is rendering the request parameters in using POST.
When the page is rendered, looks like IAC is using GET method to process the request like reading all the parameters and sending it to our application.
Since if it’s a GET request then it will have a limitation on number of characters which can be passed in the URL and can’t support more than 2,048 characters, minus the number of characters in the actual path for Internet Explorer.
The data we get can by much more than >20,000 characters also.
We need to be able to change the working from GET to POST. Please let me know how can we do that.