
HCL Technologies
Last activity: 13 Nov 2015 15:01 EST
Need to call activity on every assignment
We got a requirement where for particular work type after each assignment either to work basker/worklist we have to call a activity which will post user information to other system. I tough of using declare trigger for Assign-worklist and Assign-workbasket, is there any OOTB option for this like pyDefault or anything?
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Pegasystems Inc.
You have many places where you can plug this extra work, but do you have to wait for the completeness of the action ? So if the user run the assignment and is having an error due to a missing required fields for example ? Do you have to send your information to the external system anyway ?

HCL Technologies
I want to send details to external system after successful assignment transfer (meaning working list to work basket or vis-a-vis)

Pegasystems Inc.
To answer your original question, I don't think we have an OOTB approach, which PRPC version are you running ? You can think about something quite complex like having a generic pre-Activity called on each of your FlowAction, something very simple like adding the extra work on the "AddWorkHistory" process or something medium like a DeclareTrigger but as far as I'm aware nothing fully OOTB.

HCL Technologies
We have many flows for this work type thinking of using declareTrigger on Assign-worklist and Assign-workbasket
Updated: 13 Nov 2015 12:56 EST

Would the "Work-.NewDefaults" or "Assign-.NewDefaults"activities help here ? Try searching for "old:NewDefaults" (I know it sounds like a contradiction but putting "old:" in front of the name makes the search work) /Eric

Can you explain in detail on using "Old:" during search? I would like to know the internal mechanism with/without this prefix.

I believe without “old:” it is using the lucene search and with “old:” it is using pre-lucene technology. /Eric
Updated: 13 Nov 2015 13:37 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
Not an expert ... but, without this prefix, you're using Lucene or Elastic Search and you're targeting the indices built in Designer Studio >> System >> Settings >> Search.
With the prefix, you're querying the database with ListViews from PRPC 5.x. For details, take a look at pzSearchResultsOld activity and the Summary rule QuickSearchRulesByName.
The old: process also kicks in the case of explicit exceptions thrown from Lucene.

Good points on with/without old: from Eric and you. One small question is like the ES is used starting from V7.x and we all know that. The questions what I have in my mind is like
1) Can we have ES to enable in old PRPC versions? If yes, what are the necessary steps to be taken care?
2) Also, can we have both ES and Lucene in older version of PRPC if the #1 says "YES"?
Ravi Kumar Pisupati.

Hi Ravi,
I don't think its possible to enable elastic search in older Pega versions as its all new infrastructure which was added in Pega 7.

Adding to what Eric mentioned earlier, Assign-.NewDefaults activity will be good enough to achieve what Swami is looking for. This is a placeholder (stub) activity with one empty & commented step. Override this into your application ruleset (keeping AppliesTo class as Assign- ). This way, you can post information to other system using this Assign-.NewDefaults activity which gets triggered for both Workbasket and Worklist assignments.