Need API/HTTP call for monitoring Stream decisioning node status
We are using Pega Marketing in a multi-node setup and sometimes one of the Decisioning services have issues and are not healthy on certain nodes.
From our Pega Lead System Architect we are using the DSMStatus API endpoint:https://<node:port>/prweb/PRHTTPService/DataDecisionDNodeClusterInfo/Services/DSMStatus?Service=<servicetype>
Checking for the status of decisioning services works well using the above method, however, it only works for these services:
We also need to check the status of the Stream service, because in some cases the service is unhealthy.
Is there OOTB way to do it? If not, is there some other way? Failing this as well, can it be introduced?
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to tag SR***