Multiple members in One Data Party Role
Hi Community of PegaMesh,
I have the following requirement.
The manager chooses the boss departments that will receive the internet upgrade and then the bosses departments will receive a confirmation of the upgrade by email.
Using a data transform I create diferent parties, one for the manager and one for the department. However there are a lot of departments.So my idea is to create a role Data Party called Department with multiple Departments(Something as pyWorkParty(Department)(1),pyWorkParty(Department)(2) and so on..).-
Here my DataTransform for the Department WorkParty and it works. The page list UpgradeSelectedMembers save the information of the bosses Departments.
Is it posible? If exists how?
***Updated by moderator: Marissa to close post***
Hi Community of PegaMesh,
I have the following requirement.
The manager chooses the boss departments that will receive the internet upgrade and then the bosses departments will receive a confirmation of the upgrade by email.
Using a data transform I create diferent parties, one for the manager and one for the department. However there are a lot of departments.So my idea is to create a role Data Party called Department with multiple Departments(Something as pyWorkParty(Department)(1),pyWorkParty(Department)(2) and so on..).-
Here my DataTransform for the Department WorkParty and it works. The page list UpgradeSelectedMembers save the information of the bosses Departments.
Is it posible? If exists how?
***Updated by moderator: Marissa to close post***
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