
Last activity: 31 May 2023 4:45 EDT
Multiple built on application Pega Customer service and Pega CDH and Sales automation
Hello Team,
We are currently having CRM application which is built on Sales automation for insurance which is built on Pega Sales automation and Pega Insurance and Pega DM (Multiple multiple on apps)
Now we would like to use Pega Customer service for insurance and Pega CDH FW's. Both FW are imported in our environment.
Is it possible to modify the existing CRM application stack to accomodate two new FW (Pega Customer Service and CDH) or is it wise to create a brand new application which is Built on Sales automation, Pega CSR and Pega CDH as a multiple built on application ?
We wanted to reuse existing customer data and other integration points as well from our existing implementation
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***