
Boehringer Ingelheim
Last activity: 5 Dec 2019 10:26 EST
Multi Select is Not Working in Repeating Grid layout
Dear all,
We have tried to use the multiselect control in repeating layout grid. But we could not able to achieve the same. we have tried the one of the below support article but we could not achieve the business requierement.
Can you please help us for the same.
Thanks & Regards,
Sampath Rathna
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Boehringer Ingelheim
We have tried the below article
Sampath Rathna

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi ,
Please share the configuration screen shot for the grid and the multi select control.
(Need how they are sourced.) and also the version of Pega you are using.
Jinath Wijesinghe

Can you use 'LocalRadio' control for your radio button over that particular column in grid.
This works.!
Thank You.

Pegasystems Inc.
If you are using multiselect control in modal dialog or table layout it is not supported as per below explanation:
If you are using multiselect control in modal dialog or table layout it is not supported as per below explanation:
Below is the difference in rendering between templatized and non-templatized control:
Templatized control renders on client side. On screen load the metadata is send by the server later on the specific content is getting load. In non-template control, the whole data is getting loaded on the server side and the result is shown on the screen.
In the multiselectcontrol on the grid the section that is getting loaded is non-template and the multiselect control is templatized control. On screen load, the section getting loads the whole script with data whereas the multiselect control loads only the metadata and on second refresh it loads the data related to that previously loaded metadata.
This is the reason why the template control is not getting loaded in the non-template section.
Advanced parameter sections are rendering as non-template causing new controls like multiselect not to render.
Hope this helps you.

Louis Dreyfus Company
In this case were we need multiselect in a grid, how could we do that?
I'm not interested in technically why it's not working but to to fulfil user needs which is to have this type of control on a repeated grid.

Pegasystems Inc.
As an extension to the above comment, the below discussion post have an alternate way to achieve your requirement. Please have a look on it,

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi, can you please confirm your version and also send some screen shots of your implementation? Thanks!