Modal window not popping up
i have a local action in the Other Actions tab:
This local action is in the Work class.It refers the following section which is also in Work class.Default submit buttons are hidden and customized submit buttons are used.
The properties associated with ReasonCode, Source and Reason are in the Data class.So i have defined a TempPage in Pages and Classes tab of the section:
i have a local action in the Other Actions tab:
This local action is in the Work class.It refers the following section which is also in Work class.Default submit buttons are hidden and customized submit buttons are used.
The properties associated with ReasonCode, Source and Reason are in the Data class.So i have defined a TempPage in Pages and Classes tab of the section:
and am refering the properties in the section as TempPage.PropertyName
All the three properties have a event action set associated:
This is to post the value of the dropdown chosen from the section to the clipboard in the TempPage:
The flow action has a post data transform to set the values from this TempPage to a Pagelist
Every time the local action is submitted the values of the three properties would be seen in the pagelist:
The local action is submitted 9 times , so we have 9 indexes.
When a reasoncode that is already existing in the page list is selected from the section, i want a modal window to popup.The following event actions set has been given on the customized submit button on the section to show a modal dialog :
The run activity runs the following activity :
The when condition after looping is :
If EPFlag = "Y", the second action works:
This is followed by the finish assignment which works if EPFlag = "N"
The modal window does not pop up when it is supposed to.
All suggestions are appreciated.Thanks.