
Capgemini Deutschland GmbH
Last activity: 22 Feb 2017 6:02 EST
Modal Dialog with PDF forces iPhone to refresh page
can anyone help me please with this scenario.
I have a screenflow and when I move to another screen, some activities will be executed to generate and list PDF documents on that page. This works fine. Now the user has to do the following steps
1. User presses a button that opens a new modal dialog. This modal dialog contains two action buttons and a cancel button.
2. When clicking on action button 1 a script downloads a PDF document and performs a data transform to acitvate action button 2.
3. This download works fine on browsers and ANDROID devices. The modal dialog is kept open and action button is activated.
When using iOS devices, the PDF document will automatically opened in a predefined APP, e.g. iBooks. As soon as the user wants to leave this app, he will be asked to submit the form again. When submitting the whole screenflow page will be reloaded and the user has to press the initial button again to open the modal dialog again.
My questions are:
(1) Is there any trick to prevent a submit in iOS?
(2) If submitting cannot be avoided, how can I guarentee, that the user will stay on that modal dialog?
Thank you for your hints.
Best regards