Last activity: 6 Nov 2017 0:59 EST
Mobile Landing Page feature for retrieving user logs
Questions that I have for this feature: 1. Can we use this feature to get the logs of already submitted application to server? (Work object is resolved but few properties information is not synced to server. What Debug option would be best to request for in the Mobile landing Page for this kind of issues i.e error, info, etc..) 2. When we request the logs of the user, we will get the logs only when next Full sync happens from that specified user? 3. Is there any way where we can identify which node it is trying to connect to for the Full or Delta sync so that we can enable the logs feature for only that node? Because we have 24 JVM's for our application and we are not sure which node it is connecting to, 4. I am assuming it retrieves the user logs as we see in user device. Please confirm on this.