
Estes Express Lines
Last activity: 13 Dec 2022 6:10 EST
Mobile android app behaving differently in android tablet
We have android app created for mobile and the app is working fine in phone. As we are expanding the apps to use tablets the behavior is different in tablet for the same android app. Though the device types are different (Device type is tablet and phone in requestor), shouldn't the app experience needs to be same in both the devices? If it is expected to be different, how the app design needs to be? Do we need to build the same feature for Not-a-phone devices as well?
Is there any way that we can make the tablet to work like an android mobile for the installed app?
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 13 Dec 2022 6:10 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@SaravananN7644 I've checked and can see that INC-233765 was logged for this issue, and this is now resolved with the following solution:
Root cause description:
There are 3 issues identified for the tablet in offline app.
Issue-1: Drop down values not populating.
Issue-2: Case Action area buttons visible for case in tablet.
Issue-3: Confirm harness not showing close button in tablet.
Solution description:
Issue-1: Dropdown values not populating is due to circumstancing of section and also due to client's customization as this is working fine inhouse.
Issue-2: It is expected to show case action area button in tablet. Same has been demoed in the Versions, 8.6.3, 8.5.6 and 8.2.7.
Issue-3: Confirm harness not displaying close button is a Bug which will be addressed in upcoming versions: 8.7.5, 8.8.2, 8.9.
As part of the analysis there is an other Bug identified where, on selecting the hide default action buttons the case action area buttons are still visible for tablet which will also be addressed in upcoming versions 8.7.5, 8.8.2, 8.9.
Tablet offline behavior:
@SaravananN7644 I've checked and can see that INC-233765 was logged for this issue, and this is now resolved with the following solution:
Root cause description:
There are 3 issues identified for the tablet in offline app.
Issue-1: Drop down values not populating.
Issue-2: Case Action area buttons visible for case in tablet.
Issue-3: Confirm harness not showing close button in tablet.
Solution description:
Issue-1: Dropdown values not populating is due to circumstancing of section and also due to client's customization as this is working fine inhouse.
Issue-2: It is expected to show case action area button in tablet. Same has been demoed in the Versions, 8.6.3, 8.5.6 and 8.2.7.
Issue-3: Confirm harness not displaying close button is a Bug which will be addressed in upcoming versions: 8.7.5, 8.8.2, 8.9.
As part of the analysis there is an other Bug identified where, on selecting the hide default action buttons the case action area buttons are still visible for tablet which will also be addressed in upcoming versions 8.7.5, 8.8.2, 8.9.
Tablet offline behavior:
It's a mix of what you see on desktop and how Offline works on a mobile. The logic here can be briefly described as follows: Tablet Offline look and behavior consists of Pega UI as it renders in a regular browser on a tablet, with additional Offline limitations applied.
Please refer to
The related articles to learn what those limitations are:
Updated: 14 Jul 2022 5:12 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi! Could you please specify what kind of app behavior difference you are observing? Having that information we will be able to assess whether it's intended by design.

Estes Express Lines
@matrmAs examples, please find the below.
- We could see difference in the header and case action area buttons in the footer for tablet additionally.
- Also confirm harness is displayed when a case is acted upon and submitted. But in mobile it goes to My Work instead of confirm harness.
- Data page used in dropdown is not loading in tablet (may be no synching) but works in mobile.

Pegasystems Inc.
@SaravananN7644 are you using the mobile app on both tablets and mobile phones? Or maybe the tablet use case utilizes mobile browser?

Pegasystems Inc.
@SaravananN7644 certainly, there shouldn't be differences in sourcing controls like dropdowns. That seems like an issue that should be investigated. Both phones and tablets should behave the same in that matter.
There might be some layout differences between tablets and mobile phones but they both should offer the same functionality. Given the specific use-cases/views we may try assessing if these are intended differences or should be treated as issues.
Updated: 19 Jul 2022 14:14 EDT

Estes Express Lines
@matrm So, are you suggesting a support ticket to take it further? Or you are already on it to get a reply from the team?
Additional info : Pega platform 8.2.7 is being used. Pega7 mobile client is selected by default in channel. Would that be the cause of the problem?

Pegasystems Inc.
@SaravananN7644 the information on the versions used is very relevant here.
What I would suggest is raising a support ticket. When handling it, our specialist will be able to investigate the issues you are experiencing and advise the best way to address them.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 13 Dec 2022 6:10 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@SaravananN7644 I've checked and can see that INC-233765 was logged for this issue, and this is now resolved with the following solution:
Root cause description:
There are 3 issues identified for the tablet in offline app.
Issue-1: Drop down values not populating.
Issue-2: Case Action area buttons visible for case in tablet.
Issue-3: Confirm harness not showing close button in tablet.
Solution description:
Issue-1: Dropdown values not populating is due to circumstancing of section and also due to client's customization as this is working fine inhouse.
Issue-2: It is expected to show case action area button in tablet. Same has been demoed in the Versions, 8.6.3, 8.5.6 and 8.2.7.
Issue-3: Confirm harness not displaying close button is a Bug which will be addressed in upcoming versions: 8.7.5, 8.8.2, 8.9.
As part of the analysis there is an other Bug identified where, on selecting the hide default action buttons the case action area buttons are still visible for tablet which will also be addressed in upcoming versions 8.7.5, 8.8.2, 8.9.
Tablet offline behavior:
@SaravananN7644 I've checked and can see that INC-233765 was logged for this issue, and this is now resolved with the following solution:
Root cause description:
There are 3 issues identified for the tablet in offline app.
Issue-1: Drop down values not populating.
Issue-2: Case Action area buttons visible for case in tablet.
Issue-3: Confirm harness not showing close button in tablet.
Solution description:
Issue-1: Dropdown values not populating is due to circumstancing of section and also due to client's customization as this is working fine inhouse.
Issue-2: It is expected to show case action area button in tablet. Same has been demoed in the Versions, 8.6.3, 8.5.6 and 8.2.7.
Issue-3: Confirm harness not displaying close button is a Bug which will be addressed in upcoming versions: 8.7.5, 8.8.2, 8.9.
As part of the analysis there is an other Bug identified where, on selecting the hide default action buttons the case action area buttons are still visible for tablet which will also be addressed in upcoming versions 8.7.5, 8.8.2, 8.9.
Tablet offline behavior:
It's a mix of what you see on desktop and how Offline works on a mobile. The logic here can be briefly described as follows: Tablet Offline look and behavior consists of Pega UI as it renders in a regular browser on a tablet, with additional Offline limitations applied.
Please refer to
The related articles to learn what those limitations are: