
Instellars Global Consulting
Last activity: 14 Feb 2019 8:19 EST
Mismatch of Data flow destination class and strategy output
I am working on a PoC where a user will enter the required configuration, based on which matching proposition will be suggested. The strategy is working standalone but when the strategy is called from a data flow, the following error occurs. [Inst-FW-SurveyMo-Data-SurveyResponse - is the data class where customer preference is stored in DB]
There is a mismatch in the results class. The data flow selectphonepreference outputs pages of Instl-SurveyMo-SR-Sales-Phones and the strategy is expecting Inst-FW-SurveyMo-Data-SurveyResponse.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update platform capability tags***