
Virtusa Corporation
Last activity: 7 Mar 2018 11:42 EST
Migration to different database
We are planning to update our system from PRPC 7.2 to PRPC 7.3. Currently, PEGA is running on IBM WebSphere and IBM DB2 LUW.
But as part our update, we are planning to migrate to IBM WebSphere and Microsoft SQL Server.
Could you advice on the below queries,
1) The current PEGA update script will support for migrating rules from DB2 to Microsoft SQL Server?
2) The current PEGA update script will support for migrating data from DB2 to Microsoft SQL Server?
3) If the current update script doesn't support for the above mentioned (1&2), Will there be any special utility where PEGA system provides for the database migration?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to add SR Details***