Max column length for different property types in blob
Hi All,
For different properties which are stored in the blob, is there any maximum limit that the property can hold? Need to know for the below. The information is needed for BRE (no UI) and there is no limit at property level as well.
As per my observation,
1. Integer:- Allows only 10 digits. if it exceeds 10 then throws an error during compile time (hard-coded) and run time as well if the value is passing through a parameter)
2. Text:- No limit
3. Decimal & Double :-
Number without decimals:-
- It allows only10 digits number during compile time like hard-coded the value,if it exceeds then throws an error while saving the rule
- If we pass the value through a parameter then there is no limit, we can pass 145 digits number as well without decimals. Not sure about inconsistency between hardcoded vs passing through parameter/property.
Number with decimals:- Don't see any limit as we can set 145 digits number as well despite of hard-coded or value is being passed through parameter.