LSA 7.3/7.4 VM: Users are not set-up
I downloaded the LSA 7.3/7.4 VM this weekend. I'm able to run the VM and log-in using the standard [email protected] credentials (and NOT the password noted on the home screen; that is "install" gets me in and "Password123#" does not).
Once in, I was able to re-index everything. Although the instructions to get the node name are old/incomplete.
I am not able to use the lesson specific accounts noted in the exercise guide. It looks like the VM is incomplete. The two newest Application definitions are:
PegaRULES 07.10 Pega-RULES 8/17/2017 5:31 AM Neeraj Ramani
DMSample 01.01.01 DMSample 7/31/2017 10:54 AM Hemant Purohit
Can someone please confirm that the VM is the correct one available for download?