Tata Consultancy Services
Last activity: 30 May 2018 4:25 EDT
Logoff Screen is not coming after Upgrade while logging-off from designer studio
Hi All,
We have upgraded from Pega 6.2 SP1 to Pega 7.3 and upgraded CPM 6.2 to CRM 7.22
While logging-off from designer studio,I am getting the following screen rather than the Pega login screen.
StatuswarnMessage Property pyTelephone has been truncated in its database column; the maximum column length is 32 but the property (length 33) has use your own operator for testing as its valueOperator IDUnauthenticated or not available
Requestor IDHCB064F1853C595724895F96261C0DC32
Timestamp Mon May 28 14:15:19 BST 2018
Engine Version PegaRULES 7.30 (PRPC-7.3.0-126)