Login into portal with License Number by using OTP
Instead of using Username and Password user will use his license number for login into his portal.
Requirement is:
In login section of pega, there is a link called "Login with License Number".
When user clicks that , it will lead to a section, there user will enter his License Number.(here I created License Number as an User) and he will click, Send OTP button. An OTP will send to user's email ID. (This email ID is operator email ID).User will collect that OTP from his email and enter that OTP value in login process. After that he will click verify OTP button. Once OTP has verified successfully, a portal will open. If he entered wrong OTP, then it will show resend OTP screen.
I completed until OTP verification. I stuck at portal login.
For Portal login, I created an authenticated service rule with type Anonyms. There I passed "=D_pzOperatorInfo[OperatorID:L1].pyUserIdentifier " under ByName.
By using this, a portal will open for L1 operator. If I entered L2 License Number, in that aspect also it will open a portal with operator ID L1.
Here L1 is fixed value. It is not accepting dynamic values.
I need to capture License Number at runtime and has to pass that License number to D_page.
Note: I am using pega 8.6 version
***Edited by Moderator Marije to change type from Pega Academy to Product; update capability tags***