
Bayview Asset Management, LLC
Last activity: 5 Apr 2018 11:10 EDT
local File path error while using CONNECT-FTP for file transfer
How to upload local file to remote file? I tried to use Connect-FTP method but it is throwing below error :
Tried giving diff forms of path;
File does not exist or cannot be read: "\\opt\\pegasystem\\instance1\\Corr\\xxx.pdf "
Error working with local path: '/opt/pegasystem/instance1/Corr/xxx.pdf'
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Devender Sharma -
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Pegasystems Inc.
can you verify whether you have access to this directory?

Bayview Asset Management, LLC
Yes I have access to above directory. I'm using connect-file to store pdf's in this local directory.
requirement: from this local directory I have to send them to external directory.

JPMorgan Chase & Company
Can you share the complete error stack trace from pega rules log ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Please post the version of the Pega platform that you are experiencing this issue with.

Bayview Asset Management, LLC
Pega 7.2.2

JPMorgan Chase & Company
Have you verified the file is existed in that location have read write permissions and also what is the control you are using to pick the file?

Bayview Asset Management, LLC
Yes it has full control access for that location.
Control??? I'm using Connect-FTP method and Transfer mode: Binary

TTEC Digital - Serendebyte
We are facing the same problem. Were you able to solve this?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi PremSaiP,
Please share the version of your Pega Platform and that may help @HOULJ to further troubleshoot. Also, did you see what @SudhakarReddy suggested in the comment above yours?
Please check that and let us know!

Bayview Asset Management, LLC
Due to requirement urgency, we decided to move the files to CFIS/SMB protocol not FTP supported location.

Pegasystems Inc.
Did you get anything in the logs other than the error messages you provided earlier?
Setting the logging level on FTP-related modules to "DEBUG" would possibly get more details.

TTEC Digital - Serendebyte
@HOULJ This is in Pega 7.2.2
We have a local path which goes like : /usr/local/tomcat/work/sync-data/tempdir/Input/
But when we do a Connect-FTP on this path to transfer a file to an External Directory, it says the file cannot be found.
We used a Java code using the PRFile lib to list the files in the path and we are able to see the file as well as download it from there. But when we try a Connect-FTP it fails.
As for the Read and Write access, we were able to verify that the Folder has full permissions.
We just write the Excel file in the location specified using the Apache POI and Pega's File related functions.

Pegasystems Inc.
Your local path is a directory. Connect FTP is for moving a file.
It does not currently have any ability to browse your local directory.

Pegasystems Inc.
how you fixed this Connect-FTP issue. I have file created by Connect-File with permissions to read/write, but Connect-FTP still throws the error "** Error working with local path: '/usr/local/tomcat/work/sync-data/test.csv', File not found.", even test.csv exists in '/usr/local/tomcat/work/sync-data/'