
Last activity: 18 Sep 2019 2:26 EDT
Kubernetes Deployment Scalability
Hello Community,
We are deploying Pega Platform 8.3 + Pega Marketing 8.3 by using Pega Kubernetes Helm Charts and Pega Container Images within a GKE cluster.
The helm charts use a value.yaml file to fill up various parameters among those are the replicas number per application layer (web, backend, stream, search, cassandra).
Our concern is after deployment should we decideto increase/descrease the number of replicas does it have an impact to the application or it can be done without issues?
I guess stateless deployments such as web, backend, treafik are not expected to have any impact but what about the stateful ones (cassandra, stream, search)? Can those have their replicas increased anytime or this is something that should applied only during initial deployment.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***