[JBOSS - IBM MQ - PEGA 7.2.2] Unable to start MDB Listener
We are in midst of deploying PEGA 7.2.2 in JBOSS EAP 6.4 version. Without MDB listener configuration, PEGA runs successfully.
But when we try to deploy MDB listener with PEGA, we are unable to start the server.
Please note that we are able to run the IBM MQ Installation Verification Test (MDB component by IBM), the connection from JBOSS <–> MQ is successful as per the below IBM article. ( see attached IBM MQ Verification test.docx )
Hence, There could definitely be no problem connecting to IBM MQ from JBOSS.
We followed the below PEGA articles to deploy the MDB in JBOSS, but we were unsuccessful.
There are two kind of exceptions. I have attached the server logs in the zip file.
We are in midst of deploying PEGA 7.2.2 in JBOSS EAP 6.4 version. Without MDB listener configuration, PEGA runs successfully.
But when we try to deploy MDB listener with PEGA, we are unable to start the server.
Please note that we are able to run the IBM MQ Installation Verification Test (MDB component by IBM), the connection from JBOSS <–> MQ is successful as per the below IBM article. ( see attached IBM MQ Verification test.docx )
Hence, There could definitely be no problem connecting to IBM MQ from JBOSS.
We followed the below PEGA articles to deploy the MDB in JBOSS, but we were unsuccessful.
There are two kind of exceptions. I have attached the server logs in the zip file.
1. Failed to allocate the JMS connection(always connecting to localhost 1414 port, though configured the remote host)
2. Exception during getEJBInstance "com.pega.pegarules.internal.etier.interfaces.EngineHome"
Steps followed :
- Logged into PEGA and created a Test MDB Listener, Connection to the resource is successful (refer attached TestMDBListener.PNG)
- Generated prbeans_DD.jar file from PEGA.
- Stopped JBOSS EAP server.
- Deployment descriptors from the generated prbeans_DD.jar (ejb-jar.xml and jboss-ejb3.xml) were replaced with the corresponding deployment descriptors in the Pega 7 application’s prbeans.jar file.
- No change to application xml as there is no other customized MDB module to be added other than the OOTB prbeans.jar .
- Tried with and without adding dependency <module name="deployment.wmq.jmsra.rar" /> in the jboss-deployment-structure.xml
List of Combinations tried:
- Move the ejb-jar.xml and jboss-ejb3.xml from the generated prbeans_DD.jar to replace the ejb-jar.xml and jboss-ejb3.xml (prbeans.jar ). [refer perm_1.zip)
- Tried to add the “activation-config-property” directly to ejb-jar.xml and jboss-ejb3.xml to refer the MQ server [refer perm_2.zip)
Tried to add and remove the whole set of <resource-ref> from both ejb-jar.xml and jboss-ejb3.xml as well, does not seem to work.
- Modified the ejb-jar.xml and jboss-ejb3.xml[prpc_j2ee14_jboss61JBM.ear/ prbeans.jar ] with just the elements specific to the MDB listener instead of replacing the whole xml. [refer perm_3.zip)
- Tried to add the “activation-config-property” to ejb-jar.xml and jboss-ejb3.xml with the JNDI resource name (refer attached). [refer perm_4.zip)
Tried with and without adding dependency <module name="deployment.wmq.jmsra.rar" /> in the jboss-deployment-structure.xml during this process, however the deployment does not seem to be successful.
Instance Details :
PEGA : 7.2.2
MQ : IBM_MQ_9.0.5
JBOSS : 6.4 EAP (standalone)
WMQ adapter version : 7.5 (JBOSS 6.4 EAP supports only 7.5 adapter)