
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 1 Aug 2016 1:44 EDT
Is it possible to get two report definition's data in a single RD.
I have requirement where in 1st RD contains records 4 tables and the 2nd RD contains records from 2 tables . Is It possible to display both RD's record in one single RD .
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Pegasystems Inc.
I had selected the Include all descendant classes option and when I am performing class join with some other class I am getting the below message
Partial results shown. Some results cannot be included since data is not optimized. Contact technical support for assistance.

This error comes when the columns in one table and the other table don't match either in type or in one of the tables, the column is optimized but in another table, it is not. Looking at the PegaRULES log file will give you the correct details of this error.

Pegasystems Inc.
Is there any way to give only one descendant Class because I guess When I am selecting Include all descendant classes option it is considering all classes.

You can add a filter condition in the report on the property "pxObjClass" and mention all the classes that this report should consider. That would restrict it to the set of classes you need.

Pega Systems
You can achieve this using sub-reports.
Uncheck "Get Row Key" checkbox for sub-reports.

Hi Rajiv, Sarang,
I am using PRPC 7.2.
Can you please advise how to configure the Union Join in Report Definition.

Hi Rajiv, Sarang,
I am using PRPC 7.2.
Can you please advise how to configure the Union Join in Report Definition.

if you have two report definitions can you convert them into one single report definition? The class structure design needs to be checked for the probable and proper joins based on the key classes. just "joining" two report definitions may not work all the time as the class design is an important aspect in this context.

Let me give you a situation -
Data-Admin-WorkBasket and Data-Admin-System-Settings are sibling classes from same table.
I have to combine all instances of workbasket and system settings created between a time duration in to a single report. Data-Admin- being an abstract class, I can't run a report on this class with include all descendent classes. So, I am trying to create 2 subreports and then trying to union them in to single report definition.
Please suggest any alternate approaches.

These are pega shipped data configuration classes and one will not be able to join successfully over abstract classes- there is no question about that. The solution I suggested above definitely would work on the application where you can join on the classes based on the class design which can be configured in a RD.
Coming to your scenario i would at first definitely not recommend using a RD. You need to write custom activity to prepare a page list which you can refer in grid and get your desired result. I would request you in writing a custom activity and coming up with a page list structure.

Pegasystems Inc.
I am using "Report on descendent class instances" option to get the data from the child classes also and it is working fine. The only issue is when I check the "Filter by rule resolution" chekc box, it is not fetching any data. Please suggest, as I want only the highest version of instances because otherwise, it gives all the instances in differnt versions also.
Does Filter by rule resoultion not work for descendent class instances?