
Virtusa Corportaion
Virtusa Corportaion
Virtusa Corportaion
Posted: Apr 1, 2016
Last activity: Sep 14, 2016
Last activity: 14 Sep 2016 11:45 EDT
Issues with DWA
I am working on a cloud-based solution using DWA (v7.1.10). I am running into the following issues, and if you can provide assistance I would appreciate hearing from you.
- Upon clicking the link provided in the email generated by the Assignment, a browser window appears with the PerformExternal harness, but the underlying error message says ' Access Denied. This request for information cannot be processed (Session state is invalid).' I have verified:
- The user profile is named External (in the SMA, it shows up as 'External-ExternalUserName',
- The user profile contains a password and the appropriate Access Group.
- The Case does not show any open assignments. However, the Assign-External class contains an instance that corresponds to the assignment I expect to see in the case.
- I am attempting to use DWA as a 'one-click' solution, whereby the user's response is the equivalent of clicking Submit on the Perform Harness (in other words, they are accepting the default Flow Action for the Assignment, and the only response they should see is the Confirmation Harness). I attempted to use AutoClose, but the expected action is not performed. I can trace the action, and all the parameters seem to be in order, but no action is performed on the case.
I look forward to your responses.