Issues on Comparing values from PageList into PageList insude DE
Hi All,
I have an requirement to run business logic against two values. one i will get from UI as JASON Request and another one value i will get it from Oracle DB table using ODATA Service.
In UI there is a multiselect option where I will store values in following format pyWorkpage.Continent(Asia).Country(India).CurrencyCode = "INR", .Amount = "10000"
The Second value i will get it from DB based on Continent and Country Combination and store it is property which is there in pagelist (Target property)
Now i have to compare both value in DE rule and store the result in pyWorkPage, I facing issues while comparing two value in DE. I am not able to iterate PageList into PageList to get first value to compare with Second. is it possible to achieve in DE or do i need to go for some other approach.
***Moderator Edit: Vidyaranjan | Updated Categories***