Issue with format of Datetime fields in Pega API
Pega REST API gets the following date-time format with offset timestamp from external systems but Pega is considering the offset value in timestamp while request JSON is parsed.
the date-time format from external systems is 2021-10-17T00:00:00+02:00 but it gets converted to 20211016T220000.000 GMT (by default it converts GMT which falls a day before)
how to handle the date-time attributes with an offset that is being sent in the request to Pega API?.
Few notes:-
In my case, All servers/users reside in a single timezone (CEST). Is there any way to remain unchanged?
1) The service request from the external system contains many date-time attributes in ISO formatted with an offset so we will have an impact on all date-time properties.
2) As per my understanding, it's the default behavior of Date/Date-Time properties in Pega to convert and store all Date/Date-Time values in GMT. Any settings at the server level to treat timezone as local.
3) if we make Text properties for handling the Date/Date-Time values and later convert them to the local timezone in service mapping rules, but this approach would be a bit difficult to handle for both POST and GET applications.