Issue with AES in version 7
SellPoint Browser Average Response and Weekly Performance Metrics is 0. This functionality needs to be reconfigured.
3 out of the Top 10 Performance Items are related to AES are AES issues:
- DB-135523 - Verify that the monitored nodes in this system are operating and reachable, so that this AES server can retrieve index information from them. Re... SQL:SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "PC0".QUOTEKEY) AS...
- DB-135522 - Verify that the monitored nodes in this system are operating and reachable, so that this AES server can retrieve index information from them. Re... SQL:SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "PC0".QUOTEKEY) AS...
- DB-135522 - Verify that the monitored nodes in this system are operating and reachable, so that this AES server can retrieve index information from them. Re... SQL:SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "PC0".QUOTEKEY) AS...
Can AES team help with this?
***Moderator Edit: Vidyaranjan | Removed PII***
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****