
Becton Dickinson
Last activity: 1 Mar 2021 6:08 EST
Invoke SAML post SSO as a step up authentication
HI All,
We have a requirement where we have to prompt user for user ID and password during submission of a case. In the current landscape, the Identity provider is only allowing SAML endpoints to validate the user ID credentials.
the challenge is that, the user is already authenticated via sso using SAML. Bt to re-validate the user credentials, SAML cannot be invoked out of the box.
We would like to know if there are any capabilities within PEGA that would help in calling this SAML URL again to validate the user ID and password without interfering with the current user session.
We were exploring if the connect-rest/HTTP can be used but not able to send success request. If anyone has implemented this or has any idea on how the SAML request can be sent on demand without impacting the user session would be great.