
ING Bank
Last activity: 9 Feb 2018 7:27 EST
Invoke a flow which is not in the Inheritance path using Activity
I have tried invoking a flow which is not in the inheritence path from an activity in my work class by providing. I have defined a page for desired class in Pages & Classes tab and provided it in SteP Page field while invoking the flow using Flow-New.
But during run time, I got the following error
The work object PEGAACCEL could not be opened: Unable to open an instance using the given inputs: pxObjClass = "PegaAccel-Management-Import", pyID = ""
I've found the following link "" related to this error. Which says "user needs to either create workpage before calling the flow or set property pyTemporaryObject to true."
It seems setting pyTemporaryObject to true might not help here.
Can you please let me know how "create workpage before calling the flow " should be implemented.