IndexOutOfBound Exception
Hi All,
The below exception is falling only in PROD but there is no functional impact nor are we able to capture it in lower environment.
Invalid parameter invalid page name pyWorkpage.QA(1) Exception.
IndexOutOfBound Exception
Page list QA values (type,item,color..)is set in a flow action pre activity f,where color is a value list.There are three tabs ,each having a row repeat of same page list QA but filtered based on type. So tab 1 will have 5 questions of type 1 and tab 2 will have next set of type 2 and so on.Each row repeat will display colors field which needs to be a drop-down is configured as an dynamic select in embedded section of row repeat.In the dynamic select source activity or show page of color value list is done which takes pyWorkpage.QA(1) .. as step page.Here the source activity executes in jumbled order of QA().
We are not doing any page remove of the page list QA page but iterating page list and filtering for three tabs.
Kindly advise on the same to help mitigate and avoid performance Issues