Increasing the time of the report definitions generated by the report module.
when creating a report using the report module the default report timeout is set to 30 seconds and I want to increase it lets say to 60.
The property that needs to be changed is .pyQueryTimeoutValue
at pyReportContentPage.pyReportDefinition.pyContent.pyQueryTimeoutValue
The report is created using a local action and I traced the activity that creates the report and it was
pzNewReportPreActivity which is final and modifying it is not an option in the project I'm working on.
Moving forward there is an activity that is being called also which is
pzUpdateSystemSettings it's also final but this activity actually sets the timeout to be
.pyContent.pyQueryTimeoutValue = pxRequestor.pyReportSettings.pyQueryTimeoutInterval
What I'm trying to do is to modify the
pxResquestor.pyReportSettings.pyQueryTimeoutInterval when the user clicks on the local button.
But I don't know how to reach the px requestor.
So basically my question is how to modify the pyReportSettings inside the PxRequestor.
Thank you in advance :)