
ING Nederland
Last activity: 15 Feb 2024 4:18 EST
Import Excel and show data on screen - Pega Infinity
Hi everyone,
We have a requirement wherein an user can upload an excel file (using Attachment field type). The uploaded excel needs to then be parsed into a pagelist and displayed on the next screen.
I do understand than MSOParseExcel is now replaced with pxParseExcelFile but I am not able to figure out how can be dynamically pass the path to the param FSFileName. The value at "pxRequestor.pyFileUpload" is empty but on running D_pxCaseRelatedContent I can see the attachment.
Can someone please help me with getting the attachment path?
Also, assuming we achieve this parsing, what would be the best way to present this data on UI and allow users to add more data to the list? (data reference OR embedded data OR some other)
P.S. I am using Pega Infinity 23' community edition for this POC.
Saurabh Gupta.