
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 16 Jan 2023 1:05 EST
How to use MSOParseExcelFile and MSOGenerateExcelFile
In this post, I will share how to use MSOParseExcelFile activity and MSOGenerateExcelFile activity. Please see attached for the tutorial. I also included an Excel template file I used in the tutorial.
1. Upload Excel file using MSOParseExcelFile activity
2. Download Excel file using MSOGenerateExcelFile activity
* Notes:
Be noted, both activities are already deprecated and new activities are introduced in Pega 8 ("pxParseExcelFile" for "MSOParseExcelFile", and "pxGenerateExcelFile" for "MSOGenerateExcelFile"). However, if you are not getting expected outcomes with these replacements, you can still try MSO activities to see if it gets any better. As a matter of fact, my customer had to take MSO activities approach in Pega 8 because of the limitations with new activities. MSO activities are deprecated, but still functional in the latest Pega Platform.
* Related topic
The usage of all the combinations of upload / download CSV / Excel file is summarized at https://support.pega.com/discussion/handling-files-thru-user-interface.
Hope this helps.