Implementing Pega Customer Service: Very slow training environment
Hi all,
I just started the 'Implementing Pega Customer Service' training and encounter major problems regarding the speed of the training environment. In the interaction portal, showing a started interaction on the screen takes over 3 minutes ('after the phone was answered'). Also the designer studio is very slow (adding a property in the first assignment takes one minute after clicking the plus-icon). Does any of you experience the same issues? When I followed the CS foundation training a week ago I didn't have any problems with the training enviroment (same laptop, same network, same guy ;)
- I tried both VM-ware and Virtual box
- Already used the settings to increase the memory used by the VM
- Both tried the 'host-only setting' and 'bridged setting'
- Excluded the VM-files in my virus scanner
I hope anyone has the solution for me! Thanks in advance!