
Wirpo Technologies
Last activity: 18 Sep 2016 22:07 EDT
Illness Injury Record - Case Study
As per requirement, there is country specific recording illaness/annual report/submission. So we created specialization for five countries.
Question1: In US implemenation layer. Wo have class strucure like this << Velo-US-Manufacture-IIRS-Work >>. I assumed it should be <<Velo-US-IIRS-Work>> Since there is no specific requirement for manfacturing plant. More over as per requirement, Manfactuing is avaiable in Canada only. But the solution pdf document is having class structure <<Velo-US-IIRS-Work>>. Could you please clarify this.
Question 2: As I see, solution having the class like Velo-FW-IIRSFW-Work-AnnualSummary/Report, Velo-FW-IIRSFW-Work-InjuryLog/IllanessInjury. why FW layer having two simillar class names for illness and report cases ?