Cognizant Technology Solutions
Last activity: 18 Sep 2017 0:36 EDT
IE9 Compatible PRPC v6.1SP2 Designed application not working in IE11 without Compatibility mode ON
Hi Team,
We have designed an application in PRPC v6.1 SP2 as IE9 compatible long back. Now recently all users moved in IE11.
We are successfully able to lunch and work on PRPC application which is designed in above stated version in IE11 by enabeling compatibility mode ON, but this will be our temporary work around and not permenant solution.
We have noticed that, users are working many other diffrent application (not designed in PRPC) in their daily routin, which works perfectly fine in IE11 but start causing issue and not work as expected when we switch on Compatibility mode ON, so Client has denined to set compatibility mode as ON as default.
None other than Pega designed applicatin requires compatibility mode dependency from list of users daily routine applications, so Client is not agreeing to make changes at browser level instead of looking for solution at Pega application level as this issue is only happening while accessing Pega application.
We are looking for some kind of solution, where we dynamiclly set IE compatibility mode to ON when we log in to Pega application and again IE compability mode becomes OFF when we log off from Pega.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Is it possible for you to add the URL for the Pega application in the Compatibility View Settings in IE? This should cause only that site to load using Compatibility View.
Pegasystems Inc.
I would recommend looking into and using IE11's Enterprise mode to manage this.
Pegasystems Inc.
PRPC 6.x was developed well before IE11 was released, so it is not formally supported. Your results may vary using various methods of emulation.
You should start here first, as that will help set the stage and expectations.
After consuming that, yes, as Nick mentioned, you should use compatibility view. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to support other sites which are on the same domain, then you should explore Enterprise mode which offers the granularity needed so you do not have to toggle it off and on per site. (I would personally recommend you go that direction anyways)
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Yogen,
Please use IE Enterprise mode for your requirement. According to me this is the best solution for you.
More information on this mode:
Enterprise Mode, a compatibility mode that runs on Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8.1 Update and Windows 7 devices, lets websites render using a modified browser configuration that’s designed to emulate either Windows Internet Explorer 7 or Windows Internet Explorer 8, avoiding the common compatibility problems associated with web apps written and tested on older versions of Internet Explorer.
Many customers identify web app compatibility as a significant cost to upgrading because web apps need to be tested and upgraded before adopting a new browser. The improved compatibility provided by Enterprise Mode can help give customers confidence to upgrade to the latest version of IE. In particular, IE11 lets customers benefit from modern web standards, increased performance, improved security, and better reliability.
Enterprise Mode features:
- Improved web app and website compatibility. Through improved emulation, Enterprise Mode lets many legacy web apps run unmodified on IE11, supporting a number of site patterns that aren’t currently supported by existing document modes.
Hi Yogen,
Please use IE Enterprise mode for your requirement. According to me this is the best solution for you.
More information on this mode:
Enterprise Mode, a compatibility mode that runs on Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8.1 Update and Windows 7 devices, lets websites render using a modified browser configuration that’s designed to emulate either Windows Internet Explorer 7 or Windows Internet Explorer 8, avoiding the common compatibility problems associated with web apps written and tested on older versions of Internet Explorer.
Many customers identify web app compatibility as a significant cost to upgrading because web apps need to be tested and upgraded before adopting a new browser. The improved compatibility provided by Enterprise Mode can help give customers confidence to upgrade to the latest version of IE. In particular, IE11 lets customers benefit from modern web standards, increased performance, improved security, and better reliability.
Enterprise Mode features:
- Improved web app and website compatibility. Through improved emulation, Enterprise Mode lets many legacy web apps run unmodified on IE11, supporting a number of site patterns that aren’t currently supported by existing document modes.
- Tool-based management for website lists. Use the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager to add website domains and domain paths and to specify whether a site renders using Enterprise Mode.
Download the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager (schema v.2) or the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager (schema v.1), based on your operating system and schema.
- Centralized control. You can specify the websites or web apps to interpret using Enterprise Mode, through an XML file on a website or stored locally. Domains and paths within those domains can be treated differently, allowing granular control. Use Group Policy to let users turn Enterprise Mode on or off from the Tools menu and to decide whether the Enterprise browser profile appears on the Emulation tab of the F12 developer tools.
Important Note --> All centrally-made decisions override any locally-made choices.
- Integrated browsing. When Enterprise Mode is set up, users can browse the web normally, letting the browser change modes automatically to accommodate Enterprise Mode sites.
- Data gathering. You can configure Enterprise Mode to collect local override data, posting back to a named server. This lets you "crowd source" compatibility testing from key users; gathering their findings to add to your central site list.
Sudhish OP
Pegasystems Inc.
I agree to what Ret said.
However if there is a requirement which you need to workaround then a good idea is to try the following
1. Save a copy of userworkform html fragment rule in your local ruleset
2. Try the below code
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />
This can probably help your page to render like IE7
Hi Santanu,
Thanks for information. Can you please advise me further on it.
1) Where we need to add this HTML script ? ( WAS Application server level or Somewhere at IE Browser level)
2) Do we have any hotfix for this?
Thank You
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Yogen,
To open userworkform, please type "userworkform" in search as below:
Click on "UserWorkForm" ( as highlighted above) from search result.
Then add the HTML provided by Santanu.
Save , log-off and re-login to your application and check.
Gurpreet Kaur
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Yogen,
Please do not try that approach. It is not valid and will not work.
Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks Gurpreet for providing the details to Yogen :)
@Yogen, you can save the HTML Fragment in your local ruleset and use it .
Since this is an available rule, this change will not impact any guardrails.
Note. This is just a suggestion and I have not tested in house. Hence HFIX is not an option for this custom requirement.
Please try to make the below change in all your portal rules (except developer portal). This soultion has worked well for both compatibility mode checked and unchecked. This soultion worked for us in Pega 717. I am not sure if this works for you in version 6. But its worth giving a try.
Pegasystems Inc.
I'm nearly certain this option doesn't exist in 6.1 Sp2.
Pegasystems Inc.
Dave is correct. This option does not exist in PRPC. Also Edge is the wrong mode to be forcing. You're already in Edge by default and that is what is breaking this behavior.
Does this work for PEGA 7.2.1. trying with the same option, but doesnt seem to help. for any other alternatives, let me know
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Pushpavalli,
Please try below changes:
In all your portal rules (except developer portal), advance>IE document mode:
Select others and in text box below add "IE=EmulateIE10".
Replace the number added above with the IE version, where you are facing compatibility issue.
This solution has worked well for both compatibility mode checked and unchecked.