Last activity: 11 Jul 2022 16:43 EDT
I have question on flow
Hi guys,
Actually, I have 2 flows. One is screen flow and stranded flow.
Screen flow having 4 screens and stranded flow having only one screen
As per requirement stranded flow of 1st screen, I need to add BACK Button it's go to on-screen flow of 4 screen.
We don't have any ticket option on screen flow of 4 screen screen .
Please help me
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Updated: 6 Jul 2022 3:25 EDT
Infosys Limited
As per the problem, I understand that you have the process flow which contains (screen-flow (which has four screens) + one assignment). The screen-flow is completed and you are on the assignment which is in the main flow. You want the back button on the assignment which moves it back to the screen-flow.
On click of the back button, you can invoke the OOTB local action: transfer assignment which transfers the assignment to the respective operator. You can try calling the OOTB Activity (GoToPreviousTask) on the pre-activity of the first assignment screen-flow flow action conditionally and pass the param for "TaskName" which should be something like "AssignmentSF1".
@P.Siva.Praveen this is not working ,
Actually we have 2 stages
stage 1 having 4 assignments and stage 2 having 1 assignment
stage 2 to stage 1 last assignment i need to come back .
stage 2 i need to put back once click the back button stage 1 last assignment i need to come back
please help me
Infosys Limited
For this question "stage 2 to stage 1 last assignment i need to come back ." you need to call the change stage shape and pass the stage1. I think in stage1, in the starting flow action there is a prepocessing activity where you can call the activity: GoToPreviousTask conditionally. I think this might work.
I didn't get this question "stage 2 i need to put back once click the back button stage 1 last assignment i need to come back ". Could you please keep the document with the screen-shots so that I will go through it.
Please give me suggestions paveen
I already done edit Button task .But i can't able to Back Button Task
Blue Rose Technologies
Whenever you perform a changestage then it will automatically go to the first step of that stage so if you want to make sure that it goes to the last flow then have a flag property and set it to true when you click on the back button.
When you perform a change stage and it goes to the first step your screenflow then in the flow have a decision shape in the begining to to check the flag value and if this value is false then continue the normal process otherwise if it is true send it to last step directly and reset the flag value to false.
So whenever the flow will come to this screenflow the flag is true it will go to directly the last step. But make sure to handle the flag property in the begining of the case and on click of the button.
@VikashK99 Hi Vikashk,
I tried as you said it's working fine. While clicking back button it's goes 1st stage of last step
But now it's not moving last step to 1st step only showing last step only.
Blue Rose Technologies
@keerthiy If i understood correctly it is always moving to first step from the last step in the same stage. Is that correct ?
Can you please add the screenshot of the flow that you have created.
@VikashK99 Hi Vikashk
Now while clicking back button it's come last assignment invoice details ,but not moving remining activity list screen ,invoice contact and invoice operation ,Please check it and let me know .i will try it
Blue Rose Technologies
After you click on the back button when you enter to the last assignment are you resetting the property or not?
You need to reset the flag property.
Also what do you mean by activity list screen.
Could you please give label to all the shape in your picture and then write the scenario step by step and then explain what issue you are facing as it is a bit unclear on what is the issue.
Mostly you might be facing issue due to the flag property and the conditions that you have put in the decision shapes. So you need to validate them with that particular scenario.
@VikashK99 Hi Vikashk
Actually we have 4 different billing types
1> Single
Single ---4 screen available on ui
Reaming 3 only invoice operation and activity screen available .In activity List agin Conatat details screen,activitylist screen and invoice details screen
In single type while click back button only it's show last assignment reminig 3 not coming .In that instdent of back come like cancel .
2nd things coming to operation while clicking button only invoice details popup and finshing it's coming differently
while click back button i need show all screen easy back and forth
Updated: 11 Jul 2022 16:43 EDT
Blue Rose Technologies
I am sorry it is still a bit unclear but what i understood is that after you click on back button i is going to the last step but the screenflow is not showing the other screen breadcrumbs (the other page numbers and back button).
Please confirm if my understanding is correct so i will try to implement this and check the behavior.