
Last activity: 28 Oct 2022 5:20 EDT
I facing Issue One of the error message
Hi Guys ,
Actually, I used obj-Browser and get the list from another class. After in work class i set property tax="true"
In section i used label in visible condition i put Tax ="true".
When i browser the page That company is available that time only, we will see that message. but I can see both available and not available.
Please just me how to resolve.
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 28 Oct 2022 5:20 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@kirti Can you try it this way
In your step 2 property-set use this when rule "IsInPageList(pyWorkPage.CreateInvoiceRequest.Member.MemberID,"INSNO",exemptedlist.pxResults)" and do not loop and set the property taxexemption to true if this when is true
and one more question where are you setting the error message is there any page set message or validate on your post activity. Where is this activity called?

@gasharma i used activity
Step 1: Obj-Browser
Abc-Data-Tax Clas Step page is exelist
Step 2: step page exelist-pxresults
when condition When @(Pega-RULES:String).equalsIgnoreCase(pyWorkPage.CreateInvoiceRequest.Member.MemberID,exemptedlist.pxResults(<CURRENT>).INSNO) if true Jump to later step true param is Flage if false exit irritation .
Step 3
Flage property-set
.Taxexemption =="true"
But here exelist Values is Company ID and Company Name, this list value and pyworkpage Value is matching that error message will be display in front end
Please help me

@SrinidhiM Yes both are same

@SrinidhiM Actually , If company Number is exempted list, we don't perform calculation. I used one button for that it's enable at that time only. and another is Company number is on List error message also display.
But here company Number is not exempted list also that button is enable and we can't see the error message .
i am used activity in flow action pre-processing .
I can loop step 2 and try it but it's working.
Please help me .

Pegasystems Inc.
@kirti Can you try looping the list in second page seems like the loop is missing and the flag is not getting set
can you share some screenshots by hiding the confidential information ?


Pegasystems Inc.
@kirti Can you also show the when please?
Meanwhile can you try this alternate method since you are setting the property in pyWorkPage, instead of lopping and checking for when you can check using isinpagelistwhen function and set the property ?

@SrinidhiM RULES:String).equalsIgnoreCase(pyWorkPage.CreateInvoiceRequest.Member.MemberID,exemptedlist.pxResults(<CURRENT>).INSNO)
Accepted Solution
Updated: 28 Oct 2022 5:20 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@kirti Can you try it this way
In your step 2 property-set use this when rule "IsInPageList(pyWorkPage.CreateInvoiceRequest.Member.MemberID,"INSNO",exemptedlist.pxResults)" and do not loop and set the property taxexemption to true if this when is true
and one more question where are you setting the error message is there any page set message or validate on your post activity. Where is this activity called?

Here INSNO Value and Member ID is equal we can set the error message on same activity.

Pegasystems Inc.
@kirtiCan you explain more about the requirement? should you display the error message on submit of the screen? If yes then why are you adding the message in preprocessing?