I can't run any cases.
When I try to run a case, this error happens and can't run it.
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When I try to run a case, this error happens and can't run it.
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When I try to run a case, this error happens and can't run it.
When I try to run a case, this error happens and can't run it.
Hi Team, am also facing the same issue on V8. unable to run or create any new instance. throwing the same error.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have not been able to recreate the issue. To help us investigate this further it would be very helpful if someone could reply with the exact steps that lead to the error. It would also be helpful to look at the exact system where the issue is occurring, please do not post this here but instead email the URL of your Exercise system log in page and include the steps to recreate the problem.
Email to: Self-Study Support
Thank you,
Cecil Howell | Senior Instructor | Self-Study Support Team | Pegasystems Inc.
I will update this thread with any resolution found.
Hi Team,
When i run the case in cloud exercise screen is blank.. Please find the attached screenshot.
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