
Intel Technology India PVT Ltd
Last activity: 10 Nov 2022 21:01 EST
Hyperlink in Correspondence rule to Open Case Id along with Full portal
Hi Team,
We are using Pega-8.7.1 and having Cosmos-UI based application.
We are facing issue with Case-Id hyperlink in emails (Correspondence rule), which opens the Case correctly but missing Left Navigation Section
I have tried multiple solutions to show full portal, but no luck so far.
We have tried to construct the URL like the below sample URL. However, the behavior is same.
We have gone multiple Pega Support queries and didn't find any solution so far to show full portal.
We are not giving access through DWA. The internal users would use the portal but most of the time users would use Case links in email to perform the action.
Hi Team,
We are using Pega-8.7.1 and having Cosmos-UI based application.
We are facing issue with Case-Id hyperlink in emails (Correspondence rule), which opens the Case correctly but missing Left Navigation Section
I have tried multiple solutions to show full portal, but no luck so far.
We have tried to construct the URL like the below sample URL. However, the behavior is same.
We have gone multiple Pega Support queries and didn't find any solution so far to show full portal.
We are not giving access through DWA. The internal users would use the portal but most of the time users would use Case links in email to perform the action.
The alternative way to show full portal is by clicking pxCaseIcon but it doesn't remain in separate thread. It opens User Portal in same thread. That's why, we can't proceed with alternative approach.
Also, we have tried to add timestamp before pyActivity inside Location parameter, then it shows full portal. However, it doesn't redirect to Case always. Sometimes, it just opens the case which is already opened in any other tab as separate thread and sometimes open the Correct case.
Sample URL:
https://xyz-domain/prweb/PRAuth/app/AppAlias/[email protected]&ThreadName=pxInsNamebPurgeTargetThread=true&Location=20220601T162820.841 GMTpyActivity%3DWork-.Open%26Action%3DReview%26HarnessPurpose%3DReview%26pyShowFullPortal%3Dfalse%26pzSkinName%3DUPLC%26InsHandle%3DpzInsKey
Any inputs or help on the priority would be appreciated!