How to use/access Stock Trader application?
How to use/access Stock Trader application?
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How to use/access Stock Trader application?
Refer to Integration examples — StockTrader Portal:
Thanks for the reply Rahul. Already I went through the help which you mentioned but I was not able to access the Stock Trader application. Tried with 'StockTrader/rule' credentials.
Hello Veera,
Thanks for the info.
Let's ensure that we are not missing any pre-requisite/installation step(s) before testing "StockTrader" operator access.Can you please check below and see if all required operator instance(s) are available & deployed correctly on pega server.
"In order to use the StockTrader portal, ensure that the StockTrader application has been installed. The StockTrader application and installation instructions are available in the Resource Kit folder on the Pega 7 distribution media."
Also, let me know pega log error while you are trying to access "StockTrader" in case this opID is available in your server.
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