
Ness Technologies Inc.
Last activity: 9 Feb 2017 6:28 EST
How to Use DynamicData in Message Rule
Hi Team, I have a requirement to call a Message Rule in a validate rule. Where as some content in message is static and i want one property/Param to be passed to that message rule. I tried using defining one param in parameter tab of message rule and tried using {} syntax in message . But while i am using the property reference as suggested in message rule help form eg :"InvalidMailMessage\ttest"+.MailDetail ,while i am saving rule it is throwing an error. Can any one suggest how to pass property/param to message rule and syntax .we are using 7.1.7 Thanks, Suresh
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 9 Feb 2017 6:28 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Suresh,
Upon reviewing the SR it looks like the issue was resolved when applying the syntax without the double quotes! [ InvalidMailMessage\t.MailDetail instead of "InvalidMailMessage\t"+.MailDetail ]

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Suresh,
Below is the sample syntax of getting a message rule by passing proper parameters.
@Utilities.getRuleMessage(tools, "InvalidMailMessage\t" + .MailDetail).
Let us know if this helps :)

Ness Technologies Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
This syntax is for mainly getting the full message in Data transforms and activities. Since you are using the message rule directly in Validate you can directly enter below syntax
Let us know if this helps :)

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Suresh,
I had tried to pass the dynamic value of the Property in the Validate Message rule and it worked well at my end in v7.1.7. Kindly look into the usecase attachment and try accordingly.
SuryaNarayana Kanchamreddy

Ness Technologies Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
I tried the same in 7.1.7 also and it's working fine. Could you share screenshots for your config here. Which class is message rule and validate rule created ?
What is the exact syntax you are mentioning and the error you are facing ?

Ness Technologies Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Suresh,
Just to make sure whether you are calling the message rule from the Validate rule, if you are trying through activity call then you can follow the syntax specified in the attached use case.

Ness Technologies Inc.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 9 Feb 2017 6:28 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Suresh,
Upon reviewing the SR it looks like the issue was resolved when applying the syntax without the double quotes! [ InvalidMailMessage\t.MailDetail instead of "InvalidMailMessage\t"+.MailDetail ]