How to update locale for Batch processing
We get the data from external system and trigger the process in Pega but we would like to know how to set Locale in the context of non-browser requestor .
we are setting Locale during the process using setLocaleName() function and it worked during that particular thread and if system pause the process using SLA/wait shape and after continuation from batch process then it's not working .
Agents by defaults takes server locale and we set server locale and location as mentioned below and restarted the server but still didn't work . Is there anyway to set Locale for batch processing (not browser requestor) ?
Let me put my observation in detail .
1) The browser requestor (any user logged in manager/user portal to perform the case) then wait shape /SLA takes the context of user operator profile and then whenever batch processing advance the flow then no issue with locale as it takes user locale.
We get the data from external system and trigger the process in Pega but we would like to know how to set Locale in the context of non-browser requestor .
we are setting Locale during the process using setLocaleName() function and it worked during that particular thread and if system pause the process using SLA/wait shape and after continuation from batch process then it's not working .
Agents by defaults takes server locale and we set server locale and location as mentioned below and restarted the server but still didn't work . Is there anyway to set Locale for batch processing (not browser requestor) ?
Let me put my observation in detail .
1) The browser requestor (any user logged in manager/user portal to perform the case) then wait shape /SLA takes the context of user operator profile and then whenever batch processing advance the flow then no issue with locale as it takes user locale.
2) The problem is, we have Pega API ( service request from external ) to create a case in Pega and queue the request using the wait shape and then the process is pushed forward after one minute ,now we are setting locale(setLocaleName()) in one of the data transform and rules are being evaluated correctly using Locale until it reaches next assignment which is configured with SLA, however if SLA performs escalation activity then it's not getting locale because SLA queue is registered in the context of another batch requestor (Wait shape) not browse requestor.
It would be difficult to update all SLA escalation activities to update locale .Is there any extension activity/rule to define/override the Locale on pxRequestor page of Batch processing (SLA)?
I thought of updating the locale in the server would solve the issue but actually it doesn’t .
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***