How to resolve a pyCommitError: Cannot write property to a decimal column
Good morning,
I am currently working on the Systems Architect Essentials Solution Build. Upon reaching US 110, I realized that I made the License Number property into an Integer field type instead of a Text field type.
I deleted the License Number integer type and made a License Number text (single) field type instead and added it to the Collect Customer Information section.
Once I get to the Verify Customer Information step, the following occurs (images attached as well):
- Scenario 1: I enter all numbers in the License Number field (i.e. 12345) and I am able to Submit the form. It routes for Approval to the Verify Customer Information step and I am able to approve and move onto the next step.
- Scenario 2: I enter both text and numbers in the License Number field (i.e. T12344) and I am able to submit the form. It routes for Approval to the Verify Customer Information step and once I click Approve, I receive the following error message:
Cannot write property LicenseNumber to a decimal column--its value, "T12344", is not a decimal: code: <none> SQLState: <none> Message: <none>
I have verified that the Field is of Text(Single) property type.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what I need to do to debug this issue?
Thank you!
Good morning,
I am currently working on the Systems Architect Essentials Solution Build. Upon reaching US 110, I realized that I made the License Number property into an Integer field type instead of a Text field type.
I deleted the License Number integer type and made a License Number text (single) field type instead and added it to the Collect Customer Information section.
Once I get to the Verify Customer Information step, the following occurs (images attached as well):
- Scenario 1: I enter all numbers in the License Number field (i.e. 12345) and I am able to Submit the form. It routes for Approval to the Verify Customer Information step and I am able to approve and move onto the next step.
- Scenario 2: I enter both text and numbers in the License Number field (i.e. T12344) and I am able to submit the form. It routes for Approval to the Verify Customer Information step and once I click Approve, I receive the following error message:
Cannot write property LicenseNumber to a decimal column--its value, "T12344", is not a decimal: code: <none> SQLState: <none> Message: <none>
I have verified that the Field is of Text(Single) property type.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what I need to do to debug this issue?
Thank you!
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****