How to remove filter-/sort-options on tables in Constellation views?
In one of our Constellation views we need to present some data in form of a table to the customer. The data we want to present is from a Page list on the pyWork Page.
Therefore we have defined a view as "embedded data (list of records)" which then contains two fields from the page list. "Display as" has been set to table. The mode is "editable". Even it has to be read-only this will give as a few more configuration options. Unfortunately in read-only mode we always got an additional search box, a result counter and an option for some filtering and sorting. Using "editable" at least removes these elements.
We also supress editing, deleting and reordering records using a "Never" when rule.
Even with all these settings we still see the option in every column header (on hoover) to open a filtering/sorting menu using the three dots. Please look at the attached graphic.
How can we avoid this option being presented to the customer?