
how to refer pagelist dynamically in a repeating grid
Greetings All..
I have a complex requirement where in need to show tabs dynamically as per the pages in a pagelist (ex. if i have 4 pages in page list i have to show 4 tabs), which i have accomplished using dynamic layout group giving the pagelist( say pagelist A) as the source and i need to repeat one section(say Section A) on each tab. The section contains a repeating grid.
Now lets say my Pagelist A has 4 embedded pages which are again pagelists. Now i want to populate each tab's section's( Section A containing Repeating grid) repeating grid with the embedded pagelist(i.e source of the current Tab).
Could you please suggest me how to accomplish this.
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Hi Deepaks2275,
I have understood from your query is,In every tabbed layout should contain your pagelist.
Am i right?
If that is the case,I have attached the screenshot below.Let me know if you need further.
Murugeswari M

Hi Murugeshwari,
Thanks for the reply.
I want to populate the repeating grid of the section with corresponding pagelists.
For example i have 4 tabs( source pagelist having 4 children(which are again pagelists)) and i want to use the pagelists to populate the grid(Refer SCreenshot)

Hi Deepaks2275,
In pega latest versions ,If you want to populate the repeating grid for pagelist,you have to choose Table from the list of layout.
My query is now,
Did your requirement having 5 different pagelist (Including layout group and each tab) ?

My Pagelist (Say A) i am using for dynamic layout group to show Tabs dynamically,lets say Pagelist A has 4 Children[A1,A2,A3 and A4](which are again pagelists) hence 4 tabs will be shown.
In dynamic layout groups we need to give one repeating section so it could shown in all the tabs. I am using one section here which contains 1 repeating grid. The source of the repeating grid i want to give dynamically as the corresponding pagelist of the tabs (for example i need to give Pglist 1 as repeating grid source in Tab1 ,and Pglist 2 in tab 2 etc).
I have given the source as A.A(param.Index) which is not working where index is parameter.

In dynamic layout group we have source as one page list and layout format tab.we inside added one repeating grid section,so we get only one tab not mutiple tab at run time. because we have added only one section that is related to your layout group pagelist.
So first we have to analyze about adding mutiple tab1,tab 2,etc., mutiple tab should be added dynamically based on child pagelist.
Hope you understand.Let's you try it out.
Murugeswari M

I have added tabs dynamically, i need to give the source of repeating grid as a pagelist inside pagelist like OuterPagelist(1).InnerPagelist so when i give OuterPagelist(Param.Index).InnerPagelist it does not work or throws error. seems like it is not taking the parameter. i need help in this area.

For adding a dynamic tab,Did you use activity or Data transform?
Could you please provide the screenshots if possible?
For pagelist property we have to iterate the step if you are using the activity.

hi MurugeswariM,
Thanks for the reply
I used repeating dynamic layout group. i added the source of this layout as pagelist A. So it is now dynamically creating tabs as per the number of children in PAgelist A.
Let me modify my requirement now. I have a repeating grid and i want to pass a pagelist inside pagelist as source. with parameters , but the parameter is not working and throwing error, but if i hardcode instead of parameter it is working fine. how do i pass parameter for the repeating grid.
pagelistA(Param.index).Child this is not working
pagelistA(1).Child this is working.
Please note that Child is again pagelist so we can pass it as source.
So i need help in passing parameter in the source pagelist property.

Hi Deepaks2275,
Could you please provide some screenshot regarding which rule you are passing the param?

Hope below link may help you for adding dynamically tab