Last activity: 12 Apr 2021 16:30 EDT
Display grid dynamically from pagelist
Hi Team
I have a requirement where I will fetch multiple tables at the run time dynamically and build a pagelist. I need to show it in a repeating grid but the columns will be different for different tables.
i.e. I need to show the grids/columns dynamically at runtime based upon the properties on the pagelist.
Is there a way to achieve this. I have gone through the virtual RD but not sure how to use this for my requirement. Can anyone help me on this.
Alternatively, I am trying to use html to display this columns dynamically and using the below code
<table> <tr> <th>Name</th> </tr> <pega:forEach name="TempHistoryInstance.pxResults"> <tr> <td> <pega:reference name="$THIS.pyLabel" /> </td> </tr> </pega:forEach > </table>
here too I need to refer the column properties before hand as in bold. is there a way to refer this dynamically. i.e whatever properties on the pagelist should be treated as a separate column.
Thanks in Advance