
Bolanos Escobar
Last activity: 14 Feb 2018 1:32 EST
How to read currency values from a JAVA Table
Hi everyone.
I am trying to get the text from the attached table, but I'm having some problems with the currency columns (Cantidad a Pagar, Vlr Moneda de Promesa). I have been able to interrogate the data grid and data grid.colum specific for those 2 but when trying to get the text at a specific cell, it returns blank (nothing). However with the rest of the columns I don´t have any problem at all. Also with these 2 columns I tried the set_text method and it worked! I was able to set a value (number) to a specific row in these columns. However still I'm not being able to read the values. Anyone have had any similar experience or know how to read these numbers? Appreciate your help.
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